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1995 - 1999


Wagner, A.D., Koutstaal, W., & Schacter, D.L. (1999). When encoding yields remembering: Insights from event-related neuroimaging. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Biology, 354, 1307-1324. 

PDF | PMID:10466153

Poldrack, R.A., Wagner, A.D., Prull, M.W., Desmond, J.E., Glover, G.H., & Gabrieli, J.D.E. (1999). Distinguishing semantic and phonological processing in the left inferior prefrontal cortex. NeuroImage, 10, 15-35. 

PDF | PMID:10385578

Wagner, A.D. (1999). Working memory contributions to human learning and remembering. Neuron, 22, 19-22.  


Schacter, D.L., & Wagner, A. D. (1999). Medial temporal lobe activations in fMRI and PET studies of episodic encoding and retrieval. Hippocampus, 9, 7-24. 

PDF | PMID:10088896

Schacter, D. L., & Wagner, A. D. (1999). Remembrance of things past. Science, 285, 1503-1504.  

PDF | PMID:10498535

Illes, J., Francis, W. S., Desmond, J. E., Glover, G. H., Gabrieli, J. D. E., Lee, C. J., & Wagner, A. D. (1999). Convergent cortical representation of semantic processing in bilinguals. Brain and Language, 70, 347-363. 



Wagner, A.D., Schacter, D.L., Rotte, M., Koutstaal, W., Maril, A., Dale, A.M., Rosen, B.R., & Buckner, R.L. (1998). Building memories: Remembering and forgetting of verbal experiences as predicted by brain activity. Science, 281, 1188-1191. 

PDF | Commentary | PMID:9712582

Wagner, A.D., Poldrack, R.A., Eldridge, L.L., Desmond, J.E., Glover, G.H., & Gabrieli, J.D.E. (1998). Material-specific lateralization of prefrontal activation during episodic encoding and retrieval. NeuroReport, 9, 3711-3717.


Wagner, A.D., Desmond, J.E., Glover, G.H., & Gabrieli, J.D.E. (1998). Prefrontal cortex and recognition memory: fMRI evidence for context-dependent retrieval processes. Brain, 121, 1985-2002. 


Wagner, A.D., Stebbins, G.T., Masciari, F., Fleischman, D.A., & Gabrieli, J.D.E. (1998). Neuropsychological dissociation between recognition familiarity and perceptual priming in visual long-term memory. Cortex, 34, 493-511.  

PDF | PMID:9800086

Wagner, A.D., & Gabrieli, J.D.E. (1998). On the relationship between recognition familiarity and perceptual fluency: Evidence for distinct mnemonic processes. Acta Psychologica, 98, 211-230. 

PDF | PMID:9621831

Buckner, R.L., Koutstaal, W., Schacter, D.L., Wagner, A.D., & Rosen, B.R. (1998). Functional-anatomic study of episodic retrieval using fMRI: I. Retrieval effort versus retrieval success. NeuroImage, 7, 151-162.  



Wagner, A.D., Desmond, J.E., Demb, J.B., Glover, G.H., & Gabrieli, J.D.E. (1997). Semantic repetition priming for verbal and pictorial knowledge: A functional MRI study of left inferior prefrontal cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 9, 714-726. 

PDF | PMID:23964594

Wagner, A.D., Gabrieli, J.D.E., Verfaellie, M. (1997). Dissociations between familiarity processes in explicit recognition and implicit perceptual memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 23, 305-323. 

PDF | PMID:9080006

Desmond, J.E., Gabrieli, J.D.E., Wagner, A.D., Ginier, B.L., & Glover, G.H. (1997). Lobular patterns of cerebellar activation in verbal working memory and finger tapping tasks as revealed by functional MRI. Journal of Neuroscience, 17, 9675-9685. 

 PDF | PMID:9391022


Bower, G.H., Wagner, A.D., Newman, S.E., Randel, J.D., & Hodges, M.J. (1996). Does recoding interfering material improve recall? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 22, 240-245. 

PDF | PMID:8648287

Gabrieli, J.D.E., Desmond, J.E., Demb, J.B., Wagner, A.D., Stone, M.V., Vaidya, C.J., & Glover, G.H. (1996). Functional magnetic resonance imaging of semantic memory processes in the frontal lobes. Psychological Science, 7, 278-283. 

PDF | Abstract


Demb, J.B., Desmond, J.E., Wagner, A.D., Vaidya, C.J., Glover, G.H., & Gabrieli, J.D.E. (1995). Semantic encoding and retrieval in the left inferior prefrontal cortex: A functional MRI study of task difficulty and process specificity. Journal of Neuroscience, 15, 5870-5978.

PDF | PMID:7666172

Desmond, J.E., Sum, J.M., Wagner, A.D., Demb, J.B., Shear, P.K., Glover, G.H., Gabrieli, J.D.E., & Morrell, M.J. (1995). Language lateralization in Wada-tested patients using functional MRI. Brain, 118, 1411-1419.

PDF| PMID:8595473